I'm using the ADOBE Photoshop software in order to design and create my main front cover feature of my own magazine obtained from my previous photoshoot sub-task. As you can see from the image above, I've included rulers around my A4 (International/portrait) paper in order to outline and warn myself not to over place a text or image along the boundary line as that's the main purpose of having rulers. Then, I've placed my chosen image photograph of my model to feature as the front cover of my magazine and the reason why I chose this is because I wanted to make my model engage my main target audiences, which are 16+ years old boys and girls (but mainly girls) because I want them to be feel interested and appealed by my model, since it's a girl and as for the newcomers on the magazine - they would like to know who the girl is and would want to read on.
As for my next sub-task, I've added my main masthead line as I chose an appropriate and appealing type of font type as it would be suitable for my main target audiences, which is 16+ years old boys and girls (but mostly of girls in this case.) Then, I've increased the font size for my mast head line because one of the features of elements in order to create your own magazine is to make the mast head line bigger than the rest of your sub-headings and other relative text (adverts and offers) included onto your front cover design. As for the red box, I've mainly highlighted the part of what tool from ADOBE Photoshop software that I've used in order to place my mast head line behind my feature model image obtained. And so I've used the capacity tool which it had helped me to decrease the brightness of my font style (masthead) because I would then just use the erase tool and use it to rub off the top part of my feature model's hair so it would appear like the masthead was placed behind the model; since I can't place the image behind the text as the background of my image is part of the main cover intended.
Next, I've added other important elements for my front cover design of my own magazine such as the barcode, sub-headings and more relevant and appealing images for my main target audience intended. I've decided to give them a FREE poster of my main feature model because that way, it would give my target audiences another reason to purchase my own magazine if they tend to like the artist that featured from my front page as they would be able to enagage more in the future and look out for other future artists so they can have their own poster of their favourite indie/rock artist.
The image above represents the improvements that I have made towards designing my front cover design of my own genre of magazine as I changed my font style and deleted some sub-headings such as the 'Exclusive' text placed at the left hand side of my front cover obtained. This is because my initial font style chosen wasn't appropriate and appealing enough to my main target audiences as I've collected some of my feedback obtained from young children as they feed backed that I should choose a different type of font style as it would make a dramatic effect towards my target audiences and would collect more of my audiences intended. As for my font style, I've changed it to Stencil Std.
For this subtask, I have used ADOBE Photoshop to edit my DTP chosen photograph as it's a useable and appropriate type of software to use in order to design my main task obtained. As for the tools on the right hand side, I've used exposure and adjusted the offset and the gamma correction for my chosen photograph intended because I wanted to brightened the middle part of my photograph illustrating a spotlight effect onto the overall photograph obtained. Also, I wanted the face of my feature model to appear flashy and bright so her cheeks would be in contrast of more white than the shade of black as I think it appears to be quite appealing and realistic to the main target audiences and it would blend well with the chosen style theme of my music genre; which is indie/rock. The kind of mood that I would want to illustrate is dangerous and emotionless indicating that indie/rock artists are always serious and emotionless.
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